Monday, July 25, 2011

Splish, Splash

We pulled into the campground in Valdez and went out to look at salmon and otters. Jeff has a favorite place here on Dayville Road. It is a large bay and one section has been dammed and has a fish ladder and hatchery. The fish need to enter the ladder and climb to the top to enter the hatchery and continue their trek to their spawning ground. It is amazing to see them swim against the strong current in their quest. In the third photo are hundreds of pink salmon in a holding tank. Meanwhile there is drama at the entrance to the fish ladder. Hundred of gulls congregate to fish as well as eagles and otters. The top photo shows an eagle with a crow and several gulls. Lots of fish for everyone to share. Photo #2 is a Bonaparte's Gull making a little splash. The last photo is why Jeff comes here - an otter eating a salmon while a gull waits for the leftovers.

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