Sunday, July 03, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

An afternoon visit to the museum at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. This is a great looking building with interesting collections inside. They have galleries with animals and nature of Alaska as well as art and artifacts. We saw two movies - one on the winters in Fairbanks and the other on the Aurora Borealis. We also visited the large brown bear and the ornate outhouse. Later we walked through the botanical gardens at the university and the red begonia caught my eye as well as this gorgeous purple and white flower. We finished our trip with dinner at a Salmon Bake. So much good food. The buffet included grilled salmon, breaded cod, prime rib, plus salads, potatoes and baked beans. After all this they had desserts and beverages. We were stuffed and glad to go back to the RV to watch TV and blog.Posted by Picasa

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