Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We are heading out tomorrow for our newest adventure. Jeff and I will be serving as trekmasters for a 50 day tour in Alaska and Canada. We did this tour last year as the Tailgunners and did so well that we got promoted!

Anyway we have been planning for the last few months and now it is time to go. We started packing today and will finish up in the morning and pull out by noon. It is bittersweet, because I will miss my new friends and our wonderful life here in Sun City. On the other hand, we are embarking on a terrific trip with wonderful people to meet, gorgeous scenery and wild animals to find, admire and photograph. How lucky can you get.

As Jeff mentioned we will be stopping in West Virginia to attend a memorial service for a dear friend, Ray Stinson, who was a true gem and was here on earth for much too short a time. Then we head to Chicago to visit with the Glazer cousins and do some good eating and lots of laughter. After that we start the serious driving to British Columbia and meet up with the tour on May 14th.

I hope to blog every day and as usual will come up with a song title appropriate for that post. Sometimes it is a stretch, but it's fun thinking up the titles and trying to sing the songs. Hope to hear from all of you over the summer. We'll have e-mail and cell phones so there's no excuse not to stay in touch. Have a wonderful summer and see you soon...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Almost Ready

Four more days until we're on the road. We are very excited, but we are running out of time.

HaRVey the RV is in the shop. He was supposed to be back Friday, but we are waiting for some parts. I am picking him up Monday one way or the other because we have to get him packed. I also am working on a restraint system for Ziggy to keep her out of the cockpit area, so I need some time to install it.

Judy is wrapping up important details (hair, nails, etc.) while I plan our itinerary. When we were in Dallas a couple of weeks ago our GPS was stolen. The good news is that the new one has some features the old one didn't. We can now enter up to 500 waypoints to create a route that stays in the GPS. David (our boss) has set up such a route for the entire trek. I loaded it into the GPS - and there it is! A couple of buttons to press and we just follow the bouncing ball.

I'm sorry to say we have a new stop scheduled on our trip. A dear friend, Ray Stinson, passed away in Charleston, West Virginia after a long bout with cancer. Ray (with his wife, Lisa) was a member of the team of consultants we used for many years at Jeff the Printer. Ray and Lisa became friends as well as consultants. We will miss Ray; he was one of the good guys. Fortunately his memorial service is scheduled such that we can attend and only throw off our schedule by a recoverable amount of time.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Countdown Begins

We're counting down -- less than a month until we leave for Alaska. We just came back from a 3 day shakedown trip to Hunting Island State Park. It is one of the most beautiful campgrounds we have ever been to -- right on the beach -- and it's only an hour away. One thing we learned -- the roof doesn't leak! One night we had torrential rains (2-3") and had no problems inside. (We have a water problem in our house, but that's a different story.) HaRVey the RV is almost ready to go. Just an oil change and some other minor stuff.

Anyway, we have talked to all the guests on our trek. They seem like a great group of people. Some novice RVers, but mostly experienced ones. I have started an e-mail campaign to provide them with useful information and to to help get them excited for the trek.

I wasn't sure that I would be excited this year, but I am. We have been looking over some of last year's pictures and recalling some great memories. We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge with the guests.

Ziggy is as ready as she will ever be. We are trying to come up with some kind of improved restraint for her. We have to keep her away from the front of the RV.

In a totally different vein, here is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen about RVing. It's 7 minutes long, but worth the time.