Wednesday, April 30, 2008


We are heading out tomorrow for our newest adventure. Jeff and I will be serving as trekmasters for a 50 day tour in Alaska and Canada. We did this tour last year as the Tailgunners and did so well that we got promoted!

Anyway we have been planning for the last few months and now it is time to go. We started packing today and will finish up in the morning and pull out by noon. It is bittersweet, because I will miss my new friends and our wonderful life here in Sun City. On the other hand, we are embarking on a terrific trip with wonderful people to meet, gorgeous scenery and wild animals to find, admire and photograph. How lucky can you get.

As Jeff mentioned we will be stopping in West Virginia to attend a memorial service for a dear friend, Ray Stinson, who was a true gem and was here on earth for much too short a time. Then we head to Chicago to visit with the Glazer cousins and do some good eating and lots of laughter. After that we start the serious driving to British Columbia and meet up with the tour on May 14th.

I hope to blog every day and as usual will come up with a song title appropriate for that post. Sometimes it is a stretch, but it's fun thinking up the titles and trying to sing the songs. Hope to hear from all of you over the summer. We'll have e-mail and cell phones so there's no excuse not to stay in touch. Have a wonderful summer and see you soon...

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