Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah

Come light the menorah....
We are in Boston and it is cold, brrrr! Staying with my sister Carol while Brian is lodging at cousin Jon's along with Laura and Larry. Have only ventured outside once to go to dinner on Tuesday night. Good Italian food is worth braving the weather.

Yesterday was the first Hanukkah candle and we spent the day quietly reading and doing laundry. Sharon and baby Brielle are still in the hospital and we will see them today. So nearing dinner time we arranged the menorah, presents and started the latkes. I declared myself the latke queen and shooed everyone out of the kitchen while I did my magic with the potatoes.

Voila! Five pounds of potatoes fried to perfection.

Now to feed the hungry masses.

With everyone seated Carol and Jon lit the menorah.

Now to eat and then exchange presents. A perfect family holiday.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

These Boots Are Made For Walking

Wish I had brought boots as it has been cold in New York. Today it is gorgeous so Brian and I strolled through Central Park on our way to see the Chagall Exhibit at the Jewish Museum. We left West 72nd Street, got our Starbucks tea and coffee and entered the park at Strawberry Fields with the "Imagine" mosaic on the ground. Headed north and east through the Rambles and climbed to the top of the Belvedere Castle. Behind us is the Delacorte Theatre.

We walked around the reservoir and arrived at the museum in time for lunch. They have a great cafe with delicious onion rolls! We explored the top two floors which house the permanent collection and then wandered through the Chagall paintings. I love his work with people floating in ecstasy and the vibrant colors. He tackles lots of difficult themes too. On the first floor we viewed the Art Spiegelman exhibit featuring his book "Maus" and his comic books, etc.

We took a taxi home and rested for a few hours. Later we had Chinese food and saw the movie "Hunger Games: Girl on Fire."

Monday, November 25, 2013

Siman Tov, Mazel Tov!

It's Monday and I have just become a Great Aunt!  Mazel Tov to me, the proud parents. Sharon and Jon Charwick and my sister Carol Liff who is now a Grandmom.

This little darling is Brielle Hailey Charwick born this afternoon and weighing in at 8 pounds,15  ounces. She is 22 inches long. We are driving to Boston tomorrow and will meet Brielle. Very exciting for our entire family.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Going Out of My Head

Stopped by the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery on our way out of Tarrytown. Saw some graves from the late 1700's and lots from the Civil War era. Washington Irving is buried here in a family plot which is a National Heritage Site. He set many of his writings here is Sleepy Hollow, land of Rip Van winkle and Ichabod Crane.

You Oughta Be in Pictures

Unity Church in Tarrytown with large Chagall window.

With friends at Jason and Jackie's wedding.

Judee and Albert

New York, New York

We are staying in NYC at Brian's apartment on West 72nd Street. I just got home from the Vermeer Exhibit at the Frick where I saw "The Girl with the Pearl Earring." It is cold today, only 29 degrees and I had to wait outside for about 15 minutes to get in to this small museum housed in an old mansion. Lovely venue and amazing art collection including three Vermeer's and much more. 

We got to New York on Tuesday after stopping in Trenton to visit our parents and families at the cemeteries. Spent a few days staying with Brian and saw the Billy Crystal show, "700 Sundays." Friday I got to do some shopping and exploring on my own and that night we had dinner with my cousin Meryl, her husband Rich and their older son, Matt. On Saturday we headed to Tarrytown for the wedding of Jason Algazi and Jackie Cohen. All my closest Yardley friends were there and we had a great time being together. It was my old Mah Jongg group so we have lots of history. One gal had grown up in Tarrytown and she took us touring and we saw the Chagall windows at the Unity Church. Today Jeff and I explored the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and then drove back to the city. Tomorrow Brian and I are planning to go to the Chagall exhibit at The Jewish museum. I will have my fill of culture for a while.

We are driving to Boston on Tuesday and will spend Thanksgivukkah with Carol and all her kids. She is expecting her first granddaughter any day now so we are all excited.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Boy From New York City

Staying in NYC with Brian for a few days. We are in town for a wedding this weekend and enjoying the New York scene and Brian 's apartment on the upper West Side. Arrived yesterday and ate at Shake Shack for lunch. Last night we scored at TKTS with seats at Billy Crystal's "700 Sundays." A fabulous night at the theatre with lots of laughs and sad stories too. He is as good as ever and so much energy.

Today we had lunch at Katz's Deli on Houston Street. Food is as delicious as ever. Afterwards we walked on Orchard Street. Not many stores remain of this old shopping area. Tonight we are meeting my cousin Meryl and family for dinner.

Who Let the Dogs out?

So proud of Sirius. He became a Canine Good Citizen after passing his class sponsored by the AKC. After six classes held at a local assisted living center he learned to walk among the wheelchairs and walkers, sit to be petted and walk without pulling. On his way to becoming a therapy dog.