Sunday, November 24, 2013

New York, New York

We are staying in NYC at Brian's apartment on West 72nd Street. I just got home from the Vermeer Exhibit at the Frick where I saw "The Girl with the Pearl Earring." It is cold today, only 29 degrees and I had to wait outside for about 15 minutes to get in to this small museum housed in an old mansion. Lovely venue and amazing art collection including three Vermeer's and much more. 

We got to New York on Tuesday after stopping in Trenton to visit our parents and families at the cemeteries. Spent a few days staying with Brian and saw the Billy Crystal show, "700 Sundays." Friday I got to do some shopping and exploring on my own and that night we had dinner with my cousin Meryl, her husband Rich and their older son, Matt. On Saturday we headed to Tarrytown for the wedding of Jason Algazi and Jackie Cohen. All my closest Yardley friends were there and we had a great time being together. It was my old Mah Jongg group so we have lots of history. One gal had grown up in Tarrytown and she took us touring and we saw the Chagall windows at the Unity Church. Today Jeff and I explored the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and then drove back to the city. Tomorrow Brian and I are planning to go to the Chagall exhibit at The Jewish museum. I will have my fill of culture for a while.

We are driving to Boston on Tuesday and will spend Thanksgivukkah with Carol and all her kids. She is expecting her first granddaughter any day now so we are all excited.

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