Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Judee and Albert Algazi finally visit us in SC. They are on their way to FL with their nephew Robbie. They're amazed at our warm weather and flowers blooming in December. So good to see them and lots of hugs.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Theme From A Summer Place

Last night we saw The Lettermen, in concert, right here at Sun City. It was their holiday show and terrific! One original member is still performing along with two fifty-something guys and same great sound. I had purchased the tickets back in April and had to be at the ticket office at 6 am to get good seats for us and 7 other couples. Luckily I was selected to participate in The 12 Days of Christmas and what a blast. I was Seven Swans a Swimming and told to act like Marilyn Monroe when she sang Happy Birthday Mr. President. Oh what fun doing a sashay down the aisle and vamping with my part. Jeff took this video clip and it is painful to watch, but gives you an idea. I'm in the white sweater.

Life at Sun City continues to be wonderful and the best place for us to be loving our retirement.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

I Had A Little Dreidel

We were privileged to run the Hanukkah service at Parris Island. The room has been recently painted resembling an Israeli flag with the names of the 12 tribes in English and Hebrew. Our pals Sue & Bob Wiener joined us and assisted with the service and educational hour. The Marine Corps provides the challot, grape juice and special donuts for the holiday. We had 8 recruits attend and it was wonderful as always.
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