Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Today was laundry day and getting some chores done. Late morning we drove downtown and checked out Ship Creek to see if there were any salmon. The tide was out and there was very little water, but, we did see two large king salmon that are bright orange and several smaller pink and silver salmon. I'm an expert because a nice guy pointed them out. We also shopped at the Ulu Factory which is an Alaskan tradition. An ulu is a rounded knife used by the natives. I have one at home and use it all the time as it is sharp and great for chopping. As we were leaving we got a phone call from our trek leader that he needed a ride. He had taken a group on a hike this morning and one of the guys had taken his keys and then went home in someone else's car. So Jeff and I drove a half hour to Flat Top Mountain. It was a beautiful drive and the scenery was great. At the top I took a short hike and had great views of Anchorage even though it was cloudy. The group that hiked to the top said it was worth the work to get up there and if the day had been clear they could have seen Mt. Denali. 15 of us went to dinner later at the Moose's Tooth Pizza Restaurant. This is a very popular place and we only had to wait an hour to get seated. They have very unusual pizzas and very tasty too.
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