Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Good Vibrations

Our last dinner in Fairbanks at the Turtle Club. The food is delicious and the portions are huge. We had a meal here on our last trip and invited our group to join us for this culinary treat. They specialize in prime rib and humongous prawns. Jeff's plate is only the medium size portion of prime rib. We also had lunch one day at the Cookie Jar which was featured on Diner, Drive-ins and Dives back in 2009. The food was very good and some of the best french fries ever. So Fairbanks was a success on the food front. Won't even mention the ice cream social we had last night or the Amish women selling cinnamon rolls at the entrance to our campground. On the way home we stopped to see part of the 800 mile pipeline. It is always impressive to see and the immensity of the project still amazes me. Jeff is standing next to a "retired pig" which float inside the pipeline to aid the flow of oil. One last stop on the way home at an automated car wash and filling up with gas. Tomorrow morning we gas up the RV and head off to Denali.
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