Thursday, July 21, 2011

Doe a Deer

You start at the very beginning.... So where to begin as I haven't had an internet connection for several days. Today is Thursday, July 21 and I had to check that in my travel book to make sure. Every day blends into the next and I have to use my photos to remember what I did yesterday. Today is simple down time and it feels good. Woke up to rain and dampness which has now cleared at 2 pm. We slept late and I went to the supermarket to get some essentials. Can you believe that bananas are $1.19/lb. and it cost me $1.06 for two of them. I am waiting for a special occasion to eat one. Yes it is expensive to live here, but the gorgeous scenery and nice people make it worthwhile. Right now I'm doing laundry and waiting for the dryers to finish. Late morning I was walking Ziggy and spotted an eagle sitting on a rock just below our campground. We are on a cliff overlooking Kachemak Bay with magnificent mountains on the other side. Some of them are snow-capped and a few are volcanoes with the most recent activity in 2008. After grabbing my camera and tripod I took a zillion pictures and hope they are good. It is so exciting to see wildlife in their natural habitat. Yesterday we took a boat trip and saw hundreds of sea otters with babies and that was so cool. Anyway I have to get photos downloaded and post them, but want you to know we are fine and still having the time of our lives.

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