Sunday, July 17, 2011

Popsicles, Icicles

A quiet Sunday morning and a chance to rest. At 1:00 pm we lead the group into town to visit the Seward Museum. This is a quaint collection housed in a small cluster of rooms. They have everything from old appliances to stories of residents who formed the town. We watched a video on the annual 4th of July race on Marathon Mountain. This is the highest peak in the area and quite a difficult climb. The mountain is steep and there is little to hang on to after you pass the tree line. Yet folks clamor up and down looking for fame and glory or just to say they did it. Later we drove to Exit Glacier and hiked up to the ice. This glacier is so sad as it is receding and we can see changes since we first came here in 2007. They have signs showing where the face of the glacier had been and one from 1815 is out on the entrance road. It is a nice hike except for the biting bugs and the rain. The glacier is three miles long and descends 2500 feet from the Harding Ice Fields. It gets its name from a group of hikers on the ice fields who used this glacier to exit.

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