Friday, July 15, 2011

So Long, Farewell...

Seems like many of the recent song titles are from the "Sound of Music" and it could be the mountain scenery. Spent our last day in Anchorage eating and visiting. It rained all morning and we rested and did more chores. Went to lunch with Celeste & Arnie at the City Diner. This is a real diner with a shiny metal exterior and roomy booths and tables inside. Food is good and large portions. Next stop was chocolate chip cookies at the Fire Island Bakery and they were delicious. Around the corner is the home of Star The Reindeer. He is a downtown legend in Anchorage and is walked (on a leash) in the public park every Friday. We stopped by his pen to say hello and found that you can friend him on Facebook at StarTheReindeer. I'm signing on today. Star lives in a large pen attached to a house and right on a residential street near downtown. Reindeer are domesticated caribou, so essentially the same animal. Finally went back to Celeste & Arnie's house to relax and say goodbye. Snapped them on the front steps with their pal Logan, an adorable Corgi.

Now that is just the day's activities. The rain stopped and the sun came out and we went home to take a nap around 5:00 pm. We had major plans for the night as Jeff had gotten us tickets to the opening night of Harry Potter. As you may know we love Harry Potter and have seen each movie on opening day even though we had to play hooky from work to be at the theatre at noon. Since we were leaving Anchorage we decided to go to the midnight show and arrived at the theatre after 11:oo pm. It was mobbed as the movie was playing in all 16 theatres. We were in a large IMAX (with Regal branding) theatre and wore 3D glasses. It was fun as many of the attendees wore costumes, capes, witches hats and carried wands. Everyone was silent during the film and when we left at 2:30 am there were lines waiting for the 3:00 am showings. The sky was still light and we saw a star for the first time in a few weeks.

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1 comment:

Sue & Bob said...

Your energy levels never cease to amaze us. What a trip We all miss you