Saturday, July 02, 2011

Smile When You Say That!

5 days. That's what we are smiling about. We are here in North Pole, Alaska (near Fairbanks) for 5 days. No driving. No getting up at 5:30 AM. Cell phone. Internet. Supermarkets. Did I mention not having to get up at 5:30 AM?

Actually, except for the weather it has been a great trip. We have a good group of guests, and everyone gets along well. The weather, however, has not cooperated. It has rained almost every day, and today we drove through torrential downpours to get here from Tok.

On a different note, someone told me it is possible to embed Google maps in the blog, so here is my first attempt at that. If you zoom in you can actually see our campground.

View Larger Map

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