Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bear Necessities

Lions and tigers and bear - oh my! Tonight was rainy and the fun was all at the fish weir. There were so many salmon splashing around in the high tide and many more critters there ready to eat them. Hundreds of gulls were swimming around while otters and sea lions were plentiful. There were six sea lions near us feasting on the salmon and bobbing in the water. Several large bulls had entourages of gulls surrounding them waiting for scraps. A lone eagle stood on the rocks and quietly ate his fill of salmon while a few more eagles looked down from the trees across the street. The real excitement came when a young grizzly walked out of the woods, crossed the street and made his way onto the rocks lining the shore. Several guys fishing gave him a wide berth and all the tourists went running to snap pictures. We all kept a safe distance, but the bear was only interested in the fish. He walked along the rocks and finally grabbed a salmon. He ran up the dock, across the street and into the woods. It was quite an adventure. My photos are blurry as the lighting wasn't good, but want to share them anyway. I hope to have another chance tomorrow night to see this drama again.

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