Friday, July 22, 2011

500 Miles

One of our longest travel days of 257 miles from Homer to Palmer. We retraced our drive on the Sterling Highway across the Kenai Peninsula and drove through Anchorage just before Friday rush hour. Palmer is about 10 miles north of the city and also 10 miles from Wasilla. I still can't see Russia! Passing by Tern Lake we saw a Loon and then stopped for lunch at a site with magnificent scenery in every direction. There are pullouts all along the highways and most are scenic and a great way to rest up and take a break from driving. Got to the campground, ate dinner and relaxed. This couple drove around in their cool car which is the wagon we pulled in our youth. It had been a pickup truck that he completely rebuilt and customized the body himself. It is street legal and truly adorable.

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