Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Little Engine That Could

On the way out of Jasper we saw this frisky moose running along the side of the road. We drove south on the Icefields Parkway retracing our steps that had taken us north in June. This road is beyond beautiful running between Banff and Jasper with glaciers, mountains, rivers and waterfalls at every turn. The road is challenging to drive and I was at the wheel all afternoon. We went up one steep grade that just kept going and we were in third gear and going 20 mph and the temperature gauge was starting to rise. At the top I pulled into a scenic viewpoint and there was the couple from our trek with their hood up. Their truck had overheated, but luckily it cooled down and they were fine. Meanwhile we took a few minutes to exercise Ziggy and get some pictures. Our engine was fine and we finished the ride with no problems. We spent the night at "Chez WalMart" in Calgary.

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