Tuesday, August 23, 2011

King of the Road

Happy Birthday to my sister, Carol. While you were celebrating we were on a very informative tour at Winnebago. The company was started in the 1950's to provide employment opportunities in Forest City. After a few years a local businessman took it over and the company and RV industry took off. In the 60's it was the most successfull business on the NYSE for one special day. Our tour took two hours and was conducted by a retired engineer for Winnebago. He drove us around on a bus and we went inside several facilities. Winnebago buys the chassis and then customizes them for each model. They manufacture the fiberglass roofs, walls and most of the other parts of the RV's. They have a sewing shop where they make the seats and furniture. We watched as carpets, linoleum and ceramic tile floors were laid. RV's roll down assembly lines where the cabinetry and appliances are installed. They put out 100 RV's each week. It is amazing and we were so glad to see how it is all done. They don't allow photos, so can't share the experience beyond words.

Later we headed east towards Dubuque, Iowa. Our campground tonight is just across the Mississippi in Wisconsin. We always crack up at the speed limit signs in campgrounds as they just want to get your attention. We are staying in the middle of corn fields and there is a dairy farm on the hill below us. Very beautiful here as the landscape has changed dramatically to hills and lots more trees.Posted by Picasa

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