Saturday, August 06, 2011

Hey Look Me Over

Still at the Jade factory, Jeff is checking out two motorcycles with trailers. These folks had been at our campground last night and large tents fold out of the trailers. We are surprised at how few motorcycles we've seen on this trip. For that matter, the campgrounds say that their business is down over 30% from last year. The gas prices are high and that makes people stay home or at least not travel this far. Back on the Cassiar Highway with more beautiul scenery and then the road turned to dirt for a while and we had to navigate around these construction vehicles hoping that no one was coming toward us in the "other" lane. After that we stopped at a rest area for lunch. It was aptly named, "Rabid Grizzly" and that kept me near the RV as I walked Ziggy. This is definitely bear country and I don't want to meet one when walking alone. Continuing the trip we drove through Gnat Pass and the upper and lower Gnat River which was a warning of things to come. We arrived at our campground near Iskut and the bugs were plentiful causing us to break out our stylish net hats again. We took a walk to the lake where they have some float planes and two helicopters. There is a company exploring a remote area in the mountains for copper and they use this as their base. The helicopters ferry supplies in and out. There was also a grizzly running around, but we didn't see him. Later I made a real dinner and then we had a campfire with our group. We talked and roasted marshmallows. As I am writing and looking outside it is dark! The days are definitely getting shorter quickly. Just four more days and our trek is over.

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