Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The End

The Doors did this song called, The End, and that is so appropriate today. Our last day we travel to Prince George and then we will say adieu. Another bright, sunny day and beautiful mountains to look at in the distance. In the town of Houston we saw the world's largest fly fishing rod at the visitor center. Each little town has a display on the highway as you enter and exit. One place had a small car at each end which was a planter and completely covered with flowers. Above is Vanderhoof with its name spelled in plantings. Okay, it is hard to take pictures as you are zooming by. Prince George has this "log man" as its logo and he greets you on the way into town. We had a farewell dinner in a restaurant with a private room and a few guests made speeches. Jeff wrote special words to the song, It's Been Good to Know You and sang it and played his guitar. We also awarded certificates to each trekker with funny things that had happened along the way. A nice end to a great trip.
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