Still on our walk we saw this contraption heading our way. It is two bicycles turned into a buckboard. Very clever with two pedalers and a rudder device in the rear. It has the two seats in the front, a bench in the back and a wooden floor in between to haul stuff. They stopped to pick some berries and we had a nice conversation. The dad is a Baptist Minister here for the last six years. They have nine children and the kids are home schooled. The teenage son and his dad were so friendly and love living here even with 30" snow drifts some winters. The next two photos are the general store which may be the prettiest building in town. The owner likes to chat and I am pictured (behind me) with his dog, Daisy, on the front porch. This guy came here 20 years ago with his girlfriend who came to work as a marine biologist. He loved the place and stayed and did not say what happened with the girlfriend. There's a small selection of anything you might need for food, knick knacks, sporting goods and tee shirts. He told us how the rangers name the wild bears and lots of stories. He is annoyed and sad about the "garbage" bears that feed at the town dump. He said that many tourists feed bears and this confuses the animals and they don't go into hibernation. Last winter he was in his second floor apartment and a snow drift was almost to his window. He looked out and saw a grizzly staring in looking for food. Very scary! The map shows you where Hyder is located - behind the panhandle and inside passage. The yellow horizontal line is the Alaska Highway and the red vertical line is the Cassiar Highway.

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