Saturday, June 25, 2011

Traveling Man


Some people/animals we have met. (Second from) Bottom photo is Alan from north of Los Angeles who rode his enduro bike all the way to Prudhoe Bay. He is heading home to his wife and family after staying in the Liard Hot Springs Campground. He has a six gallon gas tank and carries a one gallon extra can along with two spare tires, camping supplies and more. Safe trip. Above him is a lone mountain sheep shedding his winter coat. A herd of sheep grazing on a mountainside. Top is a funny juvenile moose growing his antlers and giving us a lookover. He stayed near us for a long while and was very comfortable. He bent down to drink and it was dripping out of his mouth in this photo. All in a days fun.

(Jeff's note: The bottom photo is of our trek's resident bathing beauty enjoying the hot springs!)

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