Sunday, June 12, 2011

Rhythym of the Rain

Crossed into North Dakota and the weather changed from sunny to cloudy to rain. We started to see the devastation of the recent flooding. It is so sad to see entire homesteads surrounded by water and roads that go nowhere but into a newly formed pond. Farmers have lost everything from crops to homes and it keeps raining. We stopped for lunch in Rugby, ND, which is the geological center of North America. Very cool. After that we kept driving west and hoping to arrive somewhere before it rained again.

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1 comment:

Sue & Bob said...

The Photos are spectacular!!!!!! Thank you for keeping us up to date with your travels. I can't even imagine being in a flood like that with nothing anyone can do. All this technology and a rainstorm brings us back to reality. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a Great Summer, you deserve it.
We will follow your blog from now on
Bob and Sue