Monday, June 13, 2011

Bottle of Wine, Fruit of the Vine

It's Monday and the sun is shining. We drive along and reach the city of Moose Jaw. Stopped at the Tourist Info Center and met Mac the Moose who is 30 feet tall. Ziggy actually growled at him - probably thought he was some mutant dog. Anyway we took the car into town and took a tour called "Tunnels of Moose Jaw" where history goes underground. We went on the Chicago Connection learning about Al Capone and how he "imported" liquor from Moose Jaw to Chicago. Seems there was a train and also a league of bootleggers. This was very well done and we were apprentice bootleggers and walked through trap doors in closets and went into basements and actual tunnels that Capone used during Prohibition. Jeff and I each got to hold a real tommy gun and it was heavy. The whole thing was kinda creepy and we ended up across the street from where we started and all underground. That's Jeff with Miss Fanny and posing in a cellar room. Later on we passed a large inland salt lake and that is piles of salt near the shore.

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