The Signpost Forest in Watson Lake was started by an Army soldier working on the highway in 1942. Travellers add signs and there are now more than 70,000. We were able to find our sign from 2008 and even saw one that said Bluffton. There's Jeff standing amid the signs and one that really got to me. Hope those folks are doing well in Alaska. After looking at the signs we did laundry and ate dinner in a tent at the campground. The food was very good and we met some nice folks from Victoria and had a pleasant dinner conversation. I always get a chuckle thinking about the number of signs here. On our first trip here Brian asked if we could find his sign. He had visited in 1991? with American Trails West and spent six weeks camping in Alaska with other teens. I asked him where the sign was and he explained you walk here and there. Anyway it's nearly impossible, but I am still looking for it. Lots of great memories here.

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