Friday, June 17, 2011

Rocky Mountain High

Heading up the Icefields Parkway from Calgary through Banff and north to Jasper National Park, all in Alberta, Canada. Beautiful scenery. Our welcoming committee at the campground was this female elk sitting just outside our site. She had a calf hidden nearby and became quite aggressive. First she followed Jeff and Ziggy, but no problems, then she went after another camper with his dog. The park rangers came out and removed her and the calf and they were relocated to a more remote area. The rangers use hockey sticks with pieces of crime scene tape and shake it to frighten the elks and then they scoop up the calf and run! The mom follows and they get them to a safe place. We went to a ranger program and there were seven females grazing in the field next to the amphitheater. They walked right up to check out the humans. Such funny animals.

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