Sunday, June 19, 2011

Good Morning Starshine

Sunday morning we hired a guide to take us out birding and looking at wildlife. This is great, except that we had to meet her at 6:45am. So we got up, got ready and headed into town and it was pouring. Luckily we did our viewing from the car and stayed dry and it was wonderful. The first photo is the greeting committee just outside our campground - two female elk sitting right next to the road. The second picture is a juvenile coyote sitting in some sand and posing for us. Next is a pond created by industrious beavers who have dammed it up and created that entire stretch of grass in the center. The park service had to remove the center section to allow the water to flow. A gorgeous bald eagle sitting in a tree. A bull elk hanging out. We also saw an osprey nest with mom tending to some chicks and dad sitting in a nearby tree. Last photo is a young mule deer who is shedding his winter coat. We saw lots more deer and elk and bufflehead ducks. It was amazing and we learned so much and so many good stories. Thank you Paula!

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