Thursday, June 09, 2011

Hotel California

We had a fabulous day on Mackinac Island. Luckily the weather cooperated so we were able to take the ferry early this morning and spend a pleasant day exploring. When we left it was in the 60's and later the sun came out and warmed us up a bit. First thing we got on a guided horse and buggy tour and saw most of the island. It is three miles wide and two miles long and no automobiles or motorized vehicles are allowed. Bicycles and horses are the way to go and walking works well. The downtown area is shopping and fudge shops with the old fort sitting atop a hill. Multimillion dollar homes dot the hillsides as well as the imposing Grand Hotel. Our carriage was pulled by two Belgian Draft horses and we saw the whole town and all the lilac trees in bloom as well as tulips and lots of wildflowers. We stopped halfway and boarded a three horse carriage to tour the rest of the island. Most of Mackinac is a state park and there are several cemeteries. Around noon we walked to the Grand Hotel which dominates the town and island. It is big, beautiful and a grand place. They charge $10 to enter (if not a guest) and they deduct that from the lunch buffet. We did it all enjoying the expansive choice of foods for lunch. We sat at a lovely table and ate well. There were lots of tour groups there and a school group, but we took our time and really enjoyed ourselves. Afterward we toured the hotel and saw the famous porch with its many rocking chairs. The grounds and gardens are beautiful. We walked back into town, shopped and avoided the fudge stores. We came back on an afternoon ferry and Ziggy was happy to see us.
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