Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh Canada!

We crossed the border to Canada and prayed for no rain. Along the road were sloughs (pronounced slews) which are ditches filled with water. They came right up to the edge of the road and many had ducks swimming around. Again we saw homes and barns in the water and one mailbox sitting on the post in the middle of a huge puddle/lake. We finally got to our campground at Mainprize Park and it started to pour. There was water everwhere and the campground was in a ravine and very muddy. Turns out some folks had taken our site and they were trying to move them out. I suggested to the manager that we could stay in the parking lot as it was on much higher ground and he thought that was a good idea. We had to use our own electricity and water and that became a problem as our water ran out early in the night and we had to use our reserve gallon bottles that I keep for Ziggy. I stayed up until 1 am waiting for the rain to stop and finally fell asleep. When we awoke the sun was out and all was well. We got dressed and used bottled water to brush our teeth. We drove out and found the roads okay, but were afraid to tackle the one that had been covered with water. We finally saw a pickup truck and followed him to a paved road and got out to the highway. Poor Jeff did not know how to calm me, but the sunshine helped. We just wanted to get away from that place and all that water.

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