Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm Still Here

Yes, I  know you haven't heard from me during this trip. With Judy's new camera and our poor computer network I don't have easy access to our pictures. (We travel with 3 computers.) And Judy has done a great job at keeping the blog current. But now that we are on the last day of a "good" Internet connection for a while I thought  would put in my two cents.

With all the RVing we have done it is amazing that we are seeing so much new territory. With the exception of visiting our cousins in Chicago everything on this trip has been new to us. From here on in it will be mostly repeats, but we are looking forward to revisiting lots of great places we love.

Judy has told you about all the water we have seen.While her descriptions don't really convey the devastation to farms and families we have seen I don't have the words either. Our drought at home seems to pale by comparison. These people have had their homes and livelihoods destroyed. We talked to one woman whose parents live in a 103-year-old farm house whose foundation has been ruined. They are nor sure whether they will be able to move the house and rebuild the foundation or have to tear it down.

Calgary had torrential rain yesterday and we spent the whole day in our RV catching up on reading and doing chores. It was wonderful!

We have been in contact with one of the couples on our trek. In the "small world" category they live 10 minutes from where we lived in Yardley. Even stranger - their RV is almost identical to ours. We are traveling a similar route although they have been 2 weeks ahead of us. Our paths have finally crossed and we hoped to meet them here in Calgary, but we couldn't work out the schedule. Maybe this weekend in Jasper where we are reserved in the same campground in Jasper National Park.

I will try to keep up more on the blog. meanwhile, follow Judy's description of our exploits.

1 comment:

Sue & Bob said...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I love your blog, the story and the photos and in one of those "I never thought I would in a million years" moments I imitated and started a blog.
No need to follow, hopefully our kids grands and family will
Thank you for getting us started.