Monday, June 20, 2011

Through the Eyes of a Child

Probably my favorite thing about traveling with Judy is that I am often forced to look at the world through a different set of eyes. In Judy's case it is like looking through the eyes of a child. No, not immature or childish or selfish. But with a fresh outlook and an incredible capacity for wonder and awe.

Every time we see an animal - whether it is a first for us or we have seen its brethren hundreds of times - it is like being with a kid on Christmas morning. Same thing when we see a breathtaking vista or a new type of flower. It makes traveling a wondrous experience. I would miss most of this stuff if Judy didn't point it out excitedly.

Our system works. I do the technical stuff and most of the driving. I save the photos and show Judy how to use the tripod and I set up the rig when we stop for the night or start out in the morning. Judy looks and takes pictures. She probably has an indentation above her right eye from the camera viewfinder. She is never without her camera and has already taken some 1800 pictures. And we haven't even met up with our group yet!

So when you read Judy's blog think about that wide-eyed kid on Christmas morning and remember that that's what I travel with every day. I'm a very lucky guy.

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