Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Whitehorse is the capital of the Yukon Territory and was the northern terminus of the railway which connected Skagway with the Yukon River. Klondike stampeders came to Whitehorse to refresh their supplies and head north to the gold fields. The river was the only way to get here until the Alaska Highway was built. This morning we took a two hour hike to Miles Canyon. This area is just south of the city and on the rapids of the river. The stampeders had to brave the rapids to get on their way and many camped in the canyon and used a tramway to get through. Today it is deserted, but remnants of the tent city that was there are evident. The hike is easy and through woods overlooking the river. Lots of wildflowers. We had two guides from a conservancy lead our group and you have to cross a narrow, swinging bridge over the river to gain access. Later we did mundane chores like grocery shopping and spent the evening relaxing.

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