Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Spanish is the Loving Tongue

Yes, this is actually a song title...

Today is  miercoles, Wednesday. We are progressing nicely with our Spanish lessons and can carry on a very basic conversation and almost understand when someone speaks to us slowly. We can shop and do money and order food in Spanish. Only two more classes and then we are our own to continue our studies.

We sat outside in the beautiful sunshine this morning and then headed to town. We needed to print a few things at the internet cafe and then had lunch at a cafeteria type place. We sat outside on their large terrace which overlooks the central park. afterwards we went to the fruit & vegetable market to buy a few avocados and bananas. Some planters made from tree trunks and Jeff with Senor Frog.

 Our birds love bananas and eat them up quickly when we put them out. The blue Gray Tanager is a gorgeous bird.

At school today we read a story about visiting New York complete with photo of the Statue of Liberty. I found a photo of the "Naked Cowboy" and showed our "profesora" the real New York. We all had a good laugh.

A quiet evening with dinner at home. We had a little light rain during the day and saw another rainbow on the way home.

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