Saturday, February 04, 2017

On a Beautiful Day Like Today

From a terrific show - "Roar of the Greasepaint"

Today is Shabbat and we were lucky enough to spend the morning at Chabad services. Jeff did a mitzvah by being part of the minyan. While the men prayed I joined the women at the hotel next door which has beautiful grounds along the river. Rabbi Yakov has his parents, grandmother, and siblings visiting. His parents live in Venezuela and his grandmom in Florida. There were several other families visiting from Panama City and so many beautiful children. In the small world category, one woman grew up in Miami Beach, across the street from my cousins. I had a great conversation with Yakov's grandmother who escaped from Germany in1939.

It was a beautiful morning followed by a delicious lunch with everyone seated around tables overloaded with food. Hana, the rebbetzin, is a very special woman and also a great cook. The huge meals she prepares are amazing. Today we had hummus, tehina, pastas, salad, Moroccan carrots, Israeli tomato salad and challahs. Then we had a Moroccan dish of chicken and potatoes cooked with nutmeg. This is a traditional dish prepared by Yakov's mother who is from Morocco. We had interesting discussions with Yakov's parents. Martin, the dad, helped Jeff get through the morning service and the entire family speaks perfect English. Our friend Barbara was at lunch also.

Our afternoon included a ride up into the hills to enjoy the view. The roads climb quickly and so many curves and quick turns.

This view from the road looks down to Boquete. This tin shack sits amid fields of crops.

We arrived at The Mirador which is a cafeteria/coffee shop with terrific views.

We sat on the tiny porch looking out at terraced hills and towns and neighborhoods in the distance. The place also has a small hotel and beautiful gardens.

Some homes tucked in to the hillside.

Driving back there were more views of Boquete.

A nice nap finished off the afternoon. Dinner at home and watching TV. Another wonderful day.

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