Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Hang On, I'm Coming

Selvatura Hanging Bridges is the activity for this morning. We were picked up in a medius size bus and whisked off to the highlands for this adventure park. They have zip lining, nature walk, butterfly gardens and hanging bridges. I thought we would walk on these bridges and look out over the forest canopy. Two and a half hours later we had trapsed over 10,000 steps at 6000'. Jeff was not a happy camper and I was ecstatic. A view from the bridge.

The place is so beautiful and the paths are pavers and easy to walk on. The bad news is the constant climbing uphill and it got hot. There are 10 bridges of varied lengths and they go over deep canyons with magnificent views. The foliage is lush and lots of birds. Giant philodendron.

 Our guide poked in a hole and out came a tarantula.

We did not see any other animals or even hear monkeys, but a great time.

Our guide described the forest and foliage well and showed us a tiny hummingbird nest. A little later he heard a quetzal and tried to find it. Eventually he saw a quetzal fly across the valley while we were on a bridge but I did not see it. But, he heard another rare bird and eventually found a Bell Bird. I had looked for this bird in Boquete and now was able to see one. Our guide got him in the scope and took pictures for us. They are a little blurry, but just to have them and remember seeing this bird with my own eyes.

This is my favorite place of the trip to Monteverde. Our walk took longer than expected and we had to rush back to our hotel and eat a quick lunch before being picked up to return to San Jose. The ride back was okay with just three passengers in the van. The other traveler was a young man who is a nursing student. We had a nice conversation in my poor Spanish. The rush hour traffic was impossible as we approached the city and we finally got to our hotel. Had dinner here in the restaurant and to bed.

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