Tuesday, February 07, 2017

The Sound of Music

Stayed in this morning resting, sweeping and cleaning a bit. I was sitting at my computer and heard a "clop, clop." Looked outside and a guy was riding a horse down our street. There is an equestrian center on the premises, but this is the first time I have seen the horses out of the stable area or the field where they graze.

Around 1:00 we drove into town and had lunch at one of the cafeterias. Dropped off our recyclables at the center and went to two supermarkets and two fruit stands. Never did find Tostitos, but ready with the avocados to make guacamole. Bananas are sold on the "vine."

At lunch we sat with a couple our age who were visiting from Austria. They wanted to know what we thought of our new president and we said that we rarely talked about politics. That was not an option and they expressed their outrage and sadness at our new administration. Amazing how people from other countries follow our politics and concern about the US being their strong ally.

Walking around town we peeked in to this cute Peruvian restaurant.

We came home and sat outside reading, studying Spanish and enjoying the sunshine. The birds chirp in our big tree all day. They like to visit our terrace as we have water and bananas for them.

Cooked dinner tonight and watched TV. Tomorrow is the Tuesday market and a lecture about climate change by a meteorologist.

Thought it was bedtime and, poof, our power went out - again! Was out for about an hour and hard to sleep with no fan or moving air. Finally we heard it come on and had to turn off lights and restart my computer.

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