Sunday, February 05, 2017

Pleasant Valley Sunday

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees...

A truly lazy Sunday. Slept late, did laundry, sat outside in the sunshine. Jeff was on his computer and saw that there was a facility nearby that rescues wild animals. So we jumped in the car and rode down a beautiful country road with constant turns and twists. A short way we saw the rescue center.

A lovely teenager named Danielle greeted us with perfect English and took us to see the animals. Her family runs the center and takes in any wounded or abandoned animals. If possible they return them to the wild once they are rehabbed.

The large cage housed two spider monkeys and you cannot get too close because they will grab you with their hands or tail. The next cage had a friendly Capuchin monkey. Remember the old organ grinder? Danielle gave us food with seeds to feed Mancho.

Next door was a hawk (kestrel, harrier???) who had come in with a broken wing.

The next cage had two blue-headed parrots who were very friendly and ate out of our hands.

Danielle and me with a parrot.

The spectacled owl was friendly and we each gave him some ground meat which he took gingerly.

There were dogs, cats, goats, rabbits all over the place. We really enjoyed the interaction with the animals. Afterwards we drove further down the road decreasing altitude and finding ourselves in a pine forest. There were small farms, a stable and native houses along with amazing tall cacti. Also a living fence that was growing beautifully.

The road ends at a town called Palmira. Nothing there except a school, recreation field and a small library. We turned around and headed home. Jeff took a nap while I binge watched the last season of Downton Abbey. Dinner in and watching the Super Bowl.

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