Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Birds Do It

Another chance to see a quetzal. I dropped Brian off in town to take the shuttle to Bocas del Toro. Met my friends Alina and Greg and we set off to Finca Lerida for a morning of hiking in the coffee fields and searching for the Respendant Quetzal. Another day of disappointment, but we had a great time and saw lots of birds.

Violaceous Trogon

 A huge Crimson Crested Woodpecker

We spent a lot of time walking along paths and giving the Quetzals lots of chances to show themselves. We could hear them, but no sightings. We started down and saw lots of pretty flowers and workers high in the hills picking the coffee beans.

We decided to have lunch in the restaurant and saw so many hummingbirds and other colorful birds.

 Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Wild Raspberries

Red-crowned Woodpecker (Female)

Red-crowned Woodpecker

Western Tanager

 Yellow-faced Grassquit posing on the car.

 On the way home Greg spotted a hawk (or kite) sitting in a dead tree. 

Jeff and I sat outside until it got dark and then made dinner and watched TV. We just finished watching season one of The Americans. Really enjoying this series.

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