Monday, February 20, 2017

Froggy Went A Courting

A day for animals. We got up very early to go on a birding hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest. This an amazing forest in almost constant mist and chock full of animals. We started out in a primary forest and climbed to a secondary forest with ferns trees and mosses competing for the sunlight. Most plants grow on the trees rather than on the forest floor where there is no light. We did not see any mammals, but lots of birds including two quetzals. Finally I can say I have seen them, even though I never saw the male's beautiful head.

Our guide was wonderful and carried a scope so we could see things so clearly. He took pictures for us through the scope which came out so well. The trails were steep, but packed dirt and easy to navigate. First off we saw this friendly Coati who did not mind so many people near him.

 Jeff and me at a waterfall in the lush forest.

An orchid growing on a tree branch.

A Blue-crowned Motmot. Note the extra feather on the bottom of his tail.

We saw so many birds, but hard to get good photos in the dark forest. At the hummingbird garden we had fun watching these tiny birds sip nectar from the feeders.

This purple guy is gorgeous and hard to get a good shot of him.

We came home so tired and went upstairs to sit on the balcony, rest and enjoy the view. Later we went into town and had lunch at the Tree House. This is a trendy, expensive place built around a large tree. Food and service was very good.

Stopped into  a little supermarket to get some coca lites (Diet Coke) and snacks.

 We were so tired, so came home and took naps. About 6:00 we set off to see the frogs. This is another attraction here that was recommended. Because so many of the frogs are nocturnal it is good to go to this "museum" in the dark. We met a nice couple from Boston who are RVers and spent some time looking at the dead butterflies and bugs in the waiting area. We were given flashlights to help find the critters in terrariums.

Major size roaches. The kind that make you move out of your house or town!

 Finally the tour started and only the guide could use a flashlight. We stumbled around in the dark and saw some adorable frogs and toads.

Went to dinner at Sabor Tico in a shopping area on the other side of town with several restaurants.

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