Monday, February 13, 2017

Into The Woods

No wind today and it is sunny and a great day to be outdoors. Brian and I decided to take a hike at Finca Lerida. We drove up into the beautiful countryside and set out on a grassy wide trail. As we climbed the path turned to packed dirt and kept climbing to The Mirador (View Point) with the Pacific Ocean way in the distance.

We passed a big tree and lots of coffee plants with ripe berries.

We got to the area where people had seen quetzals, but we were too late. We hiked along a beautiful, narrow path all the way to a teeny waterfall, but not one bird. We were in one area where we heard the quetzals squawking away, but did not see them.

Walked back with beautiful scenery and views of the coffee fields. About 10,000 steps and a great workout.

On the way home we took a scenic route and saw this beautiful waterfall right next to the road.

We had lunch at Sugar 'n Spice and then a stop at the bakery before sitting outside in the sunshine and dinner at home.

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