Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Question by the Moody Blues.

Many questions tonight as we participated in Trivia Night. Our team did really well, but lost it all in the final round. What are the names of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? We know now, but too late. Anyway we had lots of fun and met some nice people. Trivia is every two weeks at the local roller skating rink. About 60 people, mostly American retirees attended. All the entrance fees ($3) go to a local charity. Another dollar for the prize fund for the first two teams.

The day started with a sunny morning and we sat outside and studied our Spanish. Drove to town in time for lunch at a tiny cafe across from school. For $6.75 we had a great meal. I actually had a beef soup with a huge hunk of meat (flanken) in it and a bowl of rice. Jeff had chicken breast, rice, salad and a diet Coke. Quite a deal!

School was fun today and getting hard. Just the two of us in class which is lovely. Working on "this and that" and "these and those." My head is about to explode. Still have to tackle my homework, but it will wait until the morning.

Some photos of us in our classroom and the view from our window.

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