Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Country Road

Take to the Highway....

Woke up to another sunny day

and headed out on the Pan America Highway. There was road work most of the way which slowed us down as there was one lane in each direction. Our hotel was near the town of Santiago and we drove into the shopping district to get SIM cards for our phones. We found a bustling town with a few blocks jam packed with small stores and lots of shoppers. Luckily we found a parking space and a very helpful gal who sold and installed our cards and data plans. Now we are ready to tackle the world with working cell phones.

We had no time to explore, but did ride by this stunning church at the end of the business street.

We drove and drove and finally got to David. This is the second largest city in Panama and just 30 minutes from Boquete. It is almost 100 degrees! We had been driving in total wilderness with no gas stations or towns. We did ride behind this truck with cows for a while and they were interesting.

For lunch we decided to go native at Friday's!

After lunch we hit the supermarket 99 to get a start on groceries. Quite the challenge when everything is in Spanish. We spent a bit of time in the tuna fish aisle making sure we had the white tuna. Here they have tuna in water, oil with corn, with vegetables and more. A difficult decision to get plain in water. Jeff used his translator to see what the labels said and the photo of the huge choices in the rice aisle tells us we are not in Kansas anymore.

We finally got to Boquete about 4:30 and thrilled to find our condo is gorgeous! I will post pictures tomorrow. It is totally modern with granite, tile bathrooms and a terrific kitchen. The cable TV is disappointing as no CNN. The only English news station subscribed to is FOX. A little trouble with the internet connection, but all will be fixed manana. So we are here, unpacked, fed and ready for bed.

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