Sunday, January 22, 2017

One-trick Pony

This morning is Sunday and a day to laze and enjoy the morning sunshine. Both the large pigeons and a reddish hawk are sitting in nearby trees along with several varieties of yellow and blue birds. Four flocks of egrets fly over and swallows are darting from tree to tree. I am able to watch the Sunday morning news shows on CNN and amazed to hear the Kelly Ann Conway interview with Chuck Todd about "alternative facts." That is  a new one and as Chuck said, "It is called a lie."

We sat outside and made lunch. We decided to drive into town and walk around some of the back streets where there are little businesses and restaurants. It is the last day of the flower festival and the traffic was unbelievably bad. There were large buses, small buses and cars everywhere. Vehicles were parked on the streets jammed in to any available space. So many people were milling around that it was difficult to drive. We headed out to Valle Escondido, a beautiful, gated condo community with golf course, hotel and all types of housing.

We headed up to the hills and took another loop road north of the city. We stopped at the embankment of an old bridge and got out to look around. There were villas there with a banana tree.

 It became extremely hilly and there were some gorgeous homes, a few B&B's and lots of native peoples walking and sitting on their stoops. Some great views of Boquete below us.

On the way back through town we got stuck in traffic near the fiesta grounds. Saw some adorable kids on adorable ponies and horses.

In a second the skies opened up and it began to pour. Poor horses looked so pathetic.

We went home, made dinner and spent the evening relaxing some more. Tomorrow we start our Spanish lessons. Hooray!

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