Sunday, January 29, 2017

Only in the Movies

Today's title is from a terrific show, "Kiss of the Spider Woman." We saw it on Broadway with Raul Julia and Chita Rivera.

Another lazy Sunday. I got myself outside to take a walk around the neighborhood. It was pretty windy and we are at the top of a good sized hill. According to my Fitbit, I climbed 15 flights of stairs walking uphill to get home.We sat outside listening to the birds and had lunch.

At 1:00 on Sundays there is a film club at the BCP building. That stands for Boquete Community Theatre and made up by the expat community. The building and grounds are used for the Tuesday market and weekly lecture. In the center there is a lovely coffee shop with sandwiches and snacks. There are comfy sofas, tables and chairs inside and outside. This is where the movie is shown on a  65" flat screen TV. I had a Chai Tea and we shared popcorn. The movie was "Cloud Atlas" and it is weird. Made in 2012 it has a stellar cast including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and more faces you would recognize. Sort of sci-fi, some good laughs and jumping back and forth between times. I really like it and need to see it again to gain more understanding. A good way to spend 2 1/2 hours. And, it is free, although they did pass a basket for donations.

On the way home we stopped at this statue on the road going out of town. It recognizes those who died in wars and men and women who farmed, labored and were pioneers and founders of Boquete.

Back home we lazed around some more and watched my beloved CNN. The political news does not make me happy, but good to stay informed. After dinner more TV and I am about to study my Spanish in preparation for our lesson tomorrow.

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