Thursday, January 19, 2017

Let's All Sing Like the Birdies SIng

This will be my bird (and animal) blog. I'll post the photos and add the identifications as I confirm from my bird book. Brian, thank you for my Chanukah gift of a Birds of Panama book. Jeff, my sweetie, bought me the same book just before we left as well as one for Costa Rica - I am a lucky gal.

First bird seen. Probably a Great-tailed Grackle or Giant Cowbird.

Immature Tiny Hawk? Heard he has been eating the stray cats near our condo.

Egret sitting in our tree.

Tropical Kingbird

Boat Billed Flycatcher

House Wren

Rufous-collared Sparrow

Tropical Mockingbird
Pale Vented Pigeon

Clay Colored Thrush?

Tropical Kingbird

Black and Yellow Tanager?

Palm Tanager

Blue Gray Tanager

Black and Yellow Tanager

Male and Female Tanagers

Flame-Colored Tanager (Male)

Flame-colored Tanager (Female)

Green Violet-ear Hummingbird

Magnificent Hummingbird (Male)

Collared Redstart

Collared Trogon (Female)

Olive-sided Flycatcher

Blue-headed Parrot

Spectacled Owl


Glass Wing Butterfly

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