Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Wonder of You

A busy day as we had employee orientation from 8 to 11 am. Our campground is owned by a large corporation who have many properties nationwide and our general manager runs the meeting. All of the department managers speak and introduce their staff. Over 120 people work here at Lake George Escape and it is a well oiled machine.

Our department is called "fun and games" and we are the ambassadors of fun. When our managers Jan & Jim give their spiel our 28 funsters put on funny hats and props and run around the room throwing out candy. Lots of fun for all of us. I was in western motif with a cowboy hat and bandana. Jeff wore a grass skirt and coconut bra along with a monster mask. Thank G-d he wore it over his clothes.

After the orientation we were on call until 5 pm. No one needed the shuttle or wanted to go boating, so we stayed home and read books since it was pouring rain all day. At 6 o'clock there was an employee potluck dinner at the grill. What a great spread of food and we all ate well. I made a chocolate cake and decorated it like a flag with blueberries and red sugar stripes. The entertainment was karaoke and only a few of us were brave enough to get up there and sing. Jeff did "Splish, Splash, I Was Taking a Bath" and in honor of the Elvis festival this coming weekend, I sang "The Wonder of You."

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