Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm So-o-o Tired

On the first day of training, our boss, Jim, told us 2 things about this job. One - we would love it. Two - we would be tired at the end of the day. So far he's batting 2 for 2. We are having a great time, and we are pooped when we come back home. Last night I went to bed at 9:30 (OK - I know that's not unusual for some of you Sun City folks.) and I slept through the night.

Today I worked in the store from 9 - noon. Then I had lunch at a burger and hot dog barbecue run for the guests. Then this afternoon I worked on the pedal carts where we were MOBBED! A significant part of the time guests had to wait because all the pedal carts had been rented. (Remember - it's a BIG holiday weekend.)

Part of my job this afternoon was also to wander around and make myself useful, so I bit the bullet and joined in a water fight with some of the other kids. To make a long story short - I lost. One 12 year old nailed me with a water balloon then caught me with my water gun empty. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Since I got off work before Judy I went down to the boat dock to visit her where she was working. Not to waste a good opportunity I took out an electric boat. The pictures above are the river next to the campground (taken with my cell phone).

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