Saturday, May 16, 2009


So we started our real work yesterday. Along with a trainer Judy and I had shuttle duty last night. That means that we drove the 15-passenger van on a route between here, our sister campground 7 miles away, and Lake George Village. In season we will also go to the factory outlet stores as well as Great Escape - the Six Flags amusement park.

The problem is that there were no passengers - nil, zip, nuttin'. So we drove the same route over and over (and over and over) with no passengers for over 5 hours. But at least we learned the route.

This morning I had another 4 hours of shuttle duty, most of which I drove solo. About 9:30 I got really excited - 6 passengers! There were part of a group of Bounder (a brand of motorhome) owners here for a jamboree.

We had a ball - joking and schmoozing. I dropped them off in town and then picked them up again 2 trips later. They had had a great time. They told me about the bakery next to our dropoff point and how good it was. (I had already heard that.) What I didn't know is that the bakery is owned by friends of Rachel Ray who grew up in Lake George. Who knew?

After shuttle duty they put me to work at the kid's store where they sell all kinds of chachkas as well as accept payment for the pedal carts, boating, tubing trips, etc. I learned very quickly that I do not love working retail. It is very tedious.

But the good news is that they are setting me up to work on the tubing trips when the weather gets warm. The tubing staff typically works half a day in the store and half a day working with the tubers. More on that in a future blog.

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