Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rainy Day

Finally a whole day off and it's raining. I slept so late and it felt great! The temperature is mid 50's and it's grey and gloomy. Add a little wind and a perfect day to stay inside.

I spent most of the day surfing the web and watching TV. I did see a fox trot by and that is the second one I've seen here. Also saw a river otter (or beaver) in the pond across from our site and there's a great blue heron hanging around also. I can't wait to get some photos of the wildlife and also a cute little woodpecker that perches upside down in a nearby tree.

Our site is looking good and Jeff has set up four solar lights along the front walkway. I brought along some plants and our ceramic alligator to make this just like home.

We went out to dinner tonight in Warrensburg (1 mile away) and made a quick stop in the super market. More TV and we'll be off to bed.

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