Monday, May 11, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's off to work we go... It's been a while since we've had a job, but today we report to personnel at 8:00am and fill in lots of forms. The we report to our new boss Jim to start training. There are seven new employees in fun and games and we have so much to learn. The camp has lots of fun activities and we have to be able to cover all the positions and handle most situations.

Jim and his wife Jan are the fun and games managers and they are well organized and truly fun people. They have prepared a comprehensive manual and we begin to learn about different areas of the campground and activities. After a lunch break we go out to drive the tractor that pulls the nightly wagon ride. We all enjoyed driving the old tractor and backing it into the tight parking spot. Then we drove it over to the main center and attached it to the wagon. The wagon is long and can seat 40 - 50 people for each ride around the grounds. In addition to hitching everything up we get to select music to play and blast it loud during the ride. The idea is to get everyone singing and swaying. We're encouraged to stand, sing, wave and act real silly while driving safely. I enjoyed my turn and drove the tractor well.

We're really worn out and after dinner and more work on our site we're off to sleep.

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