Friday, May 15, 2009

No, No - I meant your OTHER left!

Training can be fun! Here is Judy learning how to back up the tractor for the Wagon Trail Ride. OK, the video is a little long, but I didn't want to show only the bad parts. Feel free to skip around.

This is the hardest part of driving the lovingly-maintained 1949-vintage Ford tractor. Each night we take groups of guests on a ride around the campground. The wagon has a sound system which we are encouraged to play loudly. Usually the music is 50s/60s stuff, but we have appropriate playlists for special weekends (Halloween, Luau, etc.). Yes - the 1949 tractor has an iPod-powered sound system.

We are encourage to act silly and get the guests singing along. (Gee - I wonder why they hired US?) Tonight is our first night of guest interaction. We'll let you know how it goes.

By the way - Judy is wearing our official uniform. Bright-colored T-shirt (in a variety of colors), khaki pants, and the bucket hat.

Thanks again to Al & Eileen
for the Flip video camera we used for this video.

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